29 Apr 2019 | NEWS

showCASE No. 92 | How to heal the Polish healthcare system

How to heal the Polish healthcare system? By: Izabela Styczyńska, Vice President of CASE Management Board and Agnieszka Kulesa, CASE Economist Diagnosis[1] Ageing of societies, increasing share of expenses related to the treatment of chronic disea...

15 Apr 2019 | NEWS

160th mBank – CASE Seminar Financing for the Polish economy: prospects and threats

The 160th mBank-CASE seminar was devoted to the financing of the Polish economy, its prospects and threats. Access to funds and the way they are us...

12 Apr 2019 | NEWS

Social Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region

Under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness: Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan Workshop on: Social Entrepreneurship in the MENA Region: Inclusiveness a...

08 Apr 2019 | NEWS


The Vision Europe Dialogue 2019 took place in Helsinki, Finland, on 1 2 April 2019. The meeting gathered over 50 data practitioners and theorists f...

03 Apr 2019 | NEWS

A new economic paradigm

One of the main difficulties in economics is to identify turning points in the business cycle. The notion of Credit Impulse tries to solve this iss...

01 Apr 2019 | NEWS


Vision Europe Dialogue 2019 How could we make Europe a pioneer of the fair data economy? Vision Europe Dialogue 2019 is taking place in Helsinki, F...

25 Mar 2019 | NEWS

showCASE No. 91 I Eastern Partnership: Reflections After a Decade

The European Union s (EU) initiative Eastern Partnership (EaP) was inaugurated in May 2009 in Prague as a unifying platform of cooperation with six...