01 May 2000 - 01 Mar 2001
Advisory, banks and banking, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, Private sector development, innovation and knowledge-based economy

Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation in Bank Supervision: Developing a Self-Sustaining Relationship between NBP and NBU



It was a ten-month project sponsored by PAUCI (Poland-America-Ukraine Cooperation Initiative) and completed in March 2001. Its aim was to transfer Polish experience in bank supervision to the Ukrainian supervisory body and effecting closer cooperation between individual departments of both institutions. Cooperation concerned the following issues:

  • legislation and regulation,
  • bank supervision in crisis situations
  • inspection supervision
  • analytical supervision
  • procedures for monitoring foreign banks and also domestic banks with representative offices in other countries.

The project coordinator was Ewa Balcerowicz; the secretaries were Krzysztof Połomski (CASE) and Aleksey Shapovalov (CASE Ukraine). As part of the project several study tours were organized for representatives of the Banking Supervision Department of the National Bank of Ukraine at the Polish General Inspectorate of Banking.

A publication summing up the project appeared in Polish and Ukrainian in the series Studies and Analyses no. 226 (in Polish and Ukrainian)