13 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Advancing Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Economic Growth and Social Well-being in Europe

A 5th project meeting in London on 6-7 June 2011 was organized in the framework of the AEGIS (AEGIS - Advancing Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Economic Growth and Social Well-being in Europe) project. CASE made a presentat...

03 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Shallow versus Deep Integration between Mediterranean Countries and the EU and within the Mediter...

In the framework of CASE three year project "MEDPRO - Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region" CASE Network Report No.96 aims at paving t...

31 May 2011 | NEWS

The Battle Over Private Pensions

Funded, compulsory pension funds are under attack in Europe and beyond. But are recent policy actions likely to improve the lot of future pensioner...

27 May 2011 | NEWS

Experts’ Workshop: Mapping National Innovation Ecosystems

On May 26 2011, CASE successfully organized an experts’ workshop at CASE in Warsaw. The workshop was part of work package 2 of the three and a half...

19 May 2011 | NEWS

Conference: The impact of the global financial crisis on public service delivery in economies of...

On May 17 2011, CASE successfully organized a project conference in Kyiv. The 12 month study assesses the impact of the global financial crisis on...

16 May 2011 | NEWS

Strengthening the Recovery: The IMF's Outlook for Europe

The recovery in Europe is gaining ground, but downside risks remain. In advanced Europe, domestic demand is strengthening, but it remains weak in t...

12 May 2011 | NEWS

“The Nordic experience is not a role model, but meant to be a society model”

On May 10, Professor Kalle (Karl Ove) Moene, gave his interpretation on the Nordic Experience at CASE Policy Research Seminar. He stressed the fact...