Employment 2025: How will multiple transitions affect the European labour market – CASE kicks-off the NEUJOBS project

CASE experts attended the kick-off meeting of NEUJOBS project that took place in Brussels on May 5th and 6th 2011. The objective of the meeting was to gather together the institutions involved in the implementation of the first half of the project (work packages 1-10) and discuss the conceptual principles of the project development. CASE is leading work package 8 on ‘Work life balance and welfare transformation’ and work package 17 on ‘Employment of the elderly’ and is also involved in the research activities of work package 12 on ‘Healthcare and services for aging population.

CASE will be responsible for the organization of the mid term conference which will also serve as ground for kick-off meeting for work packages 11-23.

For more information, please visit CASE website 

CASE Fellow Boris Najman at the NEUJOBS kick-off meeting at CEPS, Brussels, on 5 and 6 May 2011, giving an introduction on WP 8: