Europe, Labor market, social policy and social services, CASE Reports, regional inequality, socio-ecological transformation, CASE Network Studies and Analyses

Agglomeration in Europe in the Context of Socio-Ecological Transition


This paper analyses the spatial distribution of economic activity in the European Union at NUTS2 level over the 2001-2010 period. The aim of the study is twofold: (i) to provide descriptive evidence of the agglomeration distribution in Europe and its evolution over time across countries; (ii) to identify the nature of agglomeration and the factors that determine its level, with particular attention paid to the socio-ecological transformation occurring in Europe.
The study concludes that: a) the changes in agglomeration are sensitive to  demographic transformations taking place; b) the ecological transformation has a mixed effect, depending on each country; c) significant differences are observed between new and old Member States; the crisis has had a significant influence on agglomeration but only in Western Europe.