06 Oct 2016 | NEWS

New book by Christopher Hartwell is released in Europe and the UK

The dramatic events of Maidan in February 2014 shone a spotlight on the immense problems facing Ukraine. At the same time that Ukraine was undergoing turmoil, its western neighbor Poland was celebrating twenty-five years of post-communism with a...

19 Sep 2016 | NEWS

VAT non-compliance costs in Europe fell to €160 billion

In 2014 the EU Member States lost approximately €160 billion in VAT revenues due to non-compliance, according to a recent study conducted by CASE...

15 Sep 2016 | NEWS

NEW PUBLICATION: "Economic policy and macroeconomic developments in Hungary, 2010-2015"

New publication within mBank-CASE Seminar Proceedings series: "Economic policy and macroeconomic developments in Hungary, 2010–2015" is available...

12 Sep 2016 | NEWS

Inefficiency in fiscal policy is measured in billions

How can fiscal policy be best shaped so as to secure public finances but not harm taxpayers or discourage private investors? What are the benefits...

07 Sep 2016 | NEWS

"How Xi and Putin Humiliated Obama at the G-20": Anders Åslund on the G-20 summit in China

The G-20 annual summit took place on September 4-5 in Hangzhou, China. Anders Åslund, the chairman of the CASE Advisory Council, commented on the t...

07 Sep 2016 | NEWS

NEW PUBLICATION: "This Is (Not) Rocket Science: Using Space-Based Solutions for More Sustainable...

New EuroMeSCo Policy Brief "This Is (Not) Rocket Science: Using Space-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Jordan"...

02 Sep 2016 | NEWS

CASE is looking for a project partner

CASE is looking for an institution willing to take part in the project as part of the Operational Programme “Knowledge, Education, Development” (me...