11 Jan 2017 | NEWS

Christopher Hartwell will be presenting at the NBP's seminar on January 18

Christopher A. Hartwell will be presenting at the National Bank of Poland's seminar series. Dr. Hartwell will present his paper The Hierarchy of Institutions Reconsidered: Monetary Policy and its Effect on the Rule of Law in Interwar Poland ....

11 Jan 2017 | NEWS

Emerging Europe Outlook on Ukraine 2017 featuring editorials by Christopher Hartwell and Marek Da...

Emerging Europe Outlook on Ukraine 2017 features two editorials by Dr. Christopher Hartwell: Falling into Old Ways in 2017? Ukraine s Struggle for...

04 Jan 2017 | NEWS

CALL FOR PAPERS: Asymmetries in Europe: causes, consequences, remedies

The Italian Association for the Study of Economic Asymmetries and the Department of Economics of the Gabriele d Annunzio University, with the suppo...

03 Jan 2017 | NEWS

Dr. Christopher A. Hartwell for The Wall Street Journal: Poland’s Right-Wing Leaders Hit a Snag

Poland inched out of its latest political crisis this week when the government allowed reporters back into the Parliament building to cover lawmak...

03 Jan 2017 | NEWS

The Foundation for Promoting Reform towards pluralist Economics for the Public interest

The Foundation for Promoting Reform towards pluralist Economics for the Public interest (PREP) is a not-for-profit company which is building a grow...

01 Jan 2017 | NEWS

Corporate Membership Program

CASE invites businesses to join its Corporate Membership Program and help support an independent Polish think tank. The benefits of the program for...

23 Dec 2016 | NEWS

showCASE no 11: Belarus’ Current Account Deficit | Extension of the EU Sanctions on Russia

In the last edition of showCASE in 2016 our experts discuss the extension of the EU sanctions on Russia and the recent decision by the Fed to incre...