21 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 40 | A Eurozone budget: Taking a “Two-speed” Europe to the Next Level?

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy recently announced that Spain will advocate for deepening the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), creating a euro area budget, and introducing Eurobonds. Rajoy is not the first European leader to reinforce an id...

16 Aug 2017 | NEWS


CASE Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent, non-profit institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital...

14 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 39 | Venezuela on the brink

The past four months have not been easy for Venezuela, but last fortnight has proved to be particularly arduous. President Nicolas Maduro s gamble...

09 Aug 2017 | NEWS

Women’s Empowerment in the Mediterranean Region

"Beliefs on the traditional role of women as caregivers or housewives that should not have a paid job outside the home also may contribute to femal...

07 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 38 | The Czech National Bank: (not) a bellwether for policy reform in the continent

Last week, the Czech National Bank (CNB) decided to increase its base policy interest rate to 0.25%, becoming the first European central bank to mo...

31 Jul 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 37 | Judicial Reform and the Summer of Poland’s Discontent

Recent attempts by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) government to push forward controversial judiciary reforms in Poland has attracted severe criti...

27 Jul 2017 | NEWS


CASE is now seeking a Project Manager to develop and manage proposals, implement and administrate projects, and manage relationships with major don...