12 Sep 2017 | NEWS

EU Asylum Policy after the German Election: The Case for Flexible Solidarity among EU Member States

In the campaign for the German federal election, schedule to take place on September 24, asylum policy has only recently entered the public debate. The turning point may have been the televised debate on September 3 between Chancellor Angela Merk...

12 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Up Next On Venezuela’s Front: PDVSA’s Inevitable Default

Venezuela s default is only a matter of time, as by 2020 the country must repay 30% of the external debt due to expire in the next 23 years (based...

05 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Russia’s Crony Capitalism: Stagnant But Stable

The Russian economy is caught in stagnation, but thanks to a skillful macroeconomic policy, the economy has stabilized. The current economic model...

04 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Post-Financial Crisis Regulation Through a Critical Lens

The 2007-2008 financial crisis appeared to expose a need for revised financial regulation in several areas, including capital and liquidity, deriva...

01 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Christopher A. Hartwell: "Ukrainian state interference deters potential international investors"

"The Ukrainian government must work to reduce regulatory role in order to attract FDI and fuel economic growth", says Christopher A. Hartwell, Pres...

30 Aug 2017 | NEWS

Mutual Learning for Reducing Tax Gaps in V4 Countries and Ukraine

Tax gaps, or the differences between tax amounts that are due by the taxpayers and the amounts that are actually collected by the state, remain a c...

28 Aug 2017 | NEWS

showCASE 41 | China’s Economic Growth: Quantity over Quality

In 2012, the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (NCCPC) has set a goal of doubling the 2010 GDP (10.6%) until 2020 to not only celeb...