08 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Winners and Losers of Globalisation: Summit Declaration available

Launched in January 2015, Vision Europe is a joint project of leading European foundations and think tanks Bertelsmann Stiftung, Germany; Bruegel, Belgium; Chatham House, UK; CASE Center for Social and Economic Research, Poland; Compagnia di San P...

05 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Miloš Zeman: Re-election

In the second round of the presidential elections, held on January 26th and 27th, Czech citizens re-elected the xenophobic populist Miloš Ze...

29 Jan 2018 | NEWS

The Government Saves Money on Nannies

New regulations on childcare services for children under the age of 3 in Poland came into force on 1st January as a result of the Act of 7th July 2...

23 Jan 2018 | NEWS

Understanding and Correctly Addressing Globalization

Globalization cannot be stopped. Evidently, as all processes produce benefits and losses, globalization has and will keep on producing its winners...

22 Jan 2018 | NEWS

Possible Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Foreign Trade in Central Asia

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been launched by the leadership of the People s Republic of China in 2013. It is going to cover virtually al...

16 Jan 2018 | NEWS

The Landscape After the Protests

As President Donald Trump was deciding whether or not to continue the suspension of key sanctions on Iran which he eventually decided to uphold des...

15 Jan 2018 | NEWS

Interview with Dr. Christopher Hartwell, President of the Management Board of CASE

What was your main motivation behind applying for the position of CASE president? Having done my PhD at the Warsaw School of Economics, having work...