09 Mar 2018 | NEWS

EuroPACE kick-off meeting in Barcelona

Developing, piloting and standardising on-tax financing for residential energy efficiency retrofits in European cities and regions (EuroPACE) kick-off meeting in Barcelona CASE experts, Dr. Izabela Styczyńska, and Dr. Stanislav Bieliei took part i...

05 Mar 2018 | NEWS

Krzysztof Głowacki discussed the relations between Poland and Central Asia countries

On February 26, 2018, Krzysztof Głowacki, an economist at CASE, participated in an international seminar organized by the Center for Central Asia R...

05 Mar 2018 | NEWS

New Opportunities for Cooperation Between the Visegrad Four and Central Asia

Political and economic ties that existed before 1990 between Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland on the one hand and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajiki...

26 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Iraq’s Reconstruction Conference: It’s Touch-and-Go

For most people, Valentine s Day gift means a bouquet of roses, hear-shaped hand-written card or if their partner feels generous a voucher for a ro...

21 Feb 2018 | NEWS

CALL FOR PAPERS: Economic Policies and Political Economy in the EU after the Crisis

The EUROFRAME group of research institutes (CASE, CPB, DIW, ESRI, ETLA, IfW, NIESR, OFCE, PROMETEIA, WIFO) will hold its fifteenth annual Conferenc...

19 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Every Breath You Take (May Slowly Kill You). EU’s Big Air Pollution Problem

Nine European Union Member States the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom could face...

12 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Will Macron and Merkel Reform the Eurozone?

Even though the French President Emmanuel Macron and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel have been repeatedly pledging to work together on reformin...