04 Jan 2019 | NEWS

Why do we need self-employed persons?

By Dr. Jarek Neneman The 159th mBank-CASE seminar was dedicated to the question of self-employment. The conventional wisdom is that Poland supports self-employment with a system of preferences, which pushes workers into self-employment. The speake...

21 Dec 2018 | NEWS

showCASE 88 I 'Climate Money’ and Fossil Fuels. Reflections After COP24

Phoho Source: Reuters / Forum By: Karolina Zubel, CASE Economist Concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to rise at record rates, a...

21 Dec 2018 | NEWS

Where is the global economy heading in 2019?

By Christopher Dembik, CASE Fellow One of the main difficulties in economics is to identify turning points in the business cycle. The notion of Cre...

12 Dec 2018 | NEWS

mBank-CASE Seminar Proceedings No. 156: What’s next for healthcare in Poland: diagnosis and progn...

The health protection system is the object of constant pressures and difficulties in mitigating them, and even more so eliminating or at least redu...

11 Dec 2018 | NEWS

CASE at COP24 in Katowice

On December 12th, our expert Karolina Zubel will present EuroPACE project, led by CASE, at COP24 in Katowice. She will also discuss how home renova...

03 Dec 2018 | NEWS

What future ahead of the European Union?

The EU is changing. Brexit, the rise of nationalist and Eurosceptic forces, uncertainty about EU s capability to deal with another economic and fin...

30 Nov 2018 | NEWS

mBank – CASE Seminar Proceedings No. 157 "Is a Fiscal Policy Council needed in Poland?"

Unsustainability and procyclicality of fiscal policy are problems that many developed countries face. The public debt crisis revealed that fiscal r...