24 Apr 2020 | NEWS

CASE tax workshop POSTPONED

We regret to inform you that due to coronavirus pandemic CASE tax workshop The Structure and effectiveness of the Polish tax system in Warsaw, that was scheduled for May/June, has been postponed until Autumn 2020. We made this difficult decision b...

23 Apr 2020 | NEWS

China, Russia, and geopolitical games in pandemic-stricken MENA region

As the coronavirus pandemic takes a tragic toll, devastating people s lives and ravaging economies, geopolitical games continue to be played by aut...

23 Apr 2020 | NEWS

The Story of the Open Pension Funds and the Employee Capital Plans in Poland. Will It Succeed Thi...

Poland s new Employee Capital Plans (PPK) scheme, which is mandatory for employers, started to be implemented in July 2019. The article looks at th...

21 Apr 2020 | NEWS

showCASE 104 I CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, Productivity Following the historic drop of oil prices in March, the OPEC and its allies finalised an agreement on what turned o...

20 Apr 2020 | NEWS

showCASE 104 I Can the COVID-19 Response Teach Us Anything About Tackling the Climate Emergency?

Although the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change may at first seem unrelated, both crises pose a serious threat to the lives and the well-being of...

17 Apr 2020 | NEWS

Invitation to the workshop

Project "Evaluation of the impact of the trade chapters of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements with six partners: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan,...

09 Apr 2020 | NEWS

Estonian corporate tax: Lessons for Poland. mBank-CASE Seminar Proceeding No. 163

Estonia has Europe s most transparent tax system (while Poland is second-to-last, in 35th place), and is also known for its pioneering approach to...