25 Oct 2020 | NEWS

CASE Report No. 503: Study and Reports on the VAT Gap in the EU-28 Member States: 2020 Final Report

This Study contains Value Added Tax (VAT) Gap estimates for 2018, fast estimates using a simplified methodology for 2019, the year immediately preceding the analysis, and includes revised estimates for 2014-2017. It also includes the updated and e...

15 Oct 2020 | NEWS

The DEEP Report is available online

The DEEP project Consortium is pleased to announce that the IO2 Baseline Report "Digital Entrepreneurship Dynamics" is available on the official OE...

12 Oct 2020 | NEWS

Webinars “Belarusian Economic Prospects. Conversations with Experienced Reformers”

CASE Belarus and the Center for New Ideas with the support of CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research (Poland), MESA 10 (Slovakia), Kyiv Sc...

06 Oct 2020 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity On September 8th, the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation on the elimination of customs d...

05 Oct 2020 | NEWS

showCASE No. 109 I Belarusian economy at the crossroad – three scenarios for the near future

Editorial In this issue of showCASE, we discuss the future of the Belarusian economy following the political turmoil of the August 2020 presidentia...

23 Sep 2020 | NEWS

INVITATION to the conference: Does the Rule of Law have its price?

CASE Center for Social and Economic Research and the European Academy Berlin (EAB) cordially invite you to the Conference: Does the Rule of Law ha...

23 Sep 2020 | NEWS

CASE bids farewell to Oleh Havrylyshyn

Oleh Havrylyshyn passed away on September 20, aged 77. He died in his sleep Oleh was a wise man, and a good man. He was our friend. He worked with...