08 Mar 2021 | NEWS

Thinking Beyond the Pandemic: Monetary Policy Challenges in the Medium- to Long-Term

The economic characteristics of the COVID-19 crisis differ from those of previous crises. It is a combination of demand- and supply-side constraints which led to the formation of a monetary overhang that will be unfrozen once the pandemic ends. Mo...

01 Mar 2021 | NEWS

Urban Mobility & Smart Ageing Conference

CASE is an institutional partner of the Urban Mobility Smart Ageing (UMSA) Conference, which will take place between April 22-24, 2021. Our economi...

26 Feb 2021 | NEWS

We are recruiting participants for new project

CASE and partners Ocalenie Foundation and Foundation for Somalia are launching a new project addressed to foreign nationals residing in Poland. Wi...

24 Feb 2021 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity On February 11, European Commission published its winter interim European economic forecasts. It shows that the...

22 Feb 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 114: Expansionary Fiscal Policy in Times of Covid-19: a Crisis Measure or a Long-Ter...

Editorial The ever-spiking budget deficits in 2020 and rather hazy outlook for 2021 lead many governments and economists to agree on the short-term...

19 Feb 2021 | NEWS

GREENHEAT project kick-off meeting

Together with partners, CASE has launched a new endeavor to examine how local authorities can advance low carbon heating. The kick-off of the proje...

19 Feb 2021 | NEWS

NEW REPORT: In search of new opportunities. Circular migration between Belarus and Poland, Slovak...

We are pleased to present the report on circular migration flows between Belarus and Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. It is the product of...