23 Oct 2008 | NEWS

The Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Channels of Contagion and Potential Lessons

Allusions to a US-limited subprime mortgage crisis have long died out.  Few local analysts and politicians would dare claiming that their country is shielded from the financial crisis effects as the storm unfolds worldwide.  Left to the unknown is...

16 Oct 2008 | NEWS

The Risk Management Approach of the Federal Reserve System - a Model for the European Central Bank?

While it first appeared that Europe would not imitate the US in fighting the effects of the financial crisis, a growing number of European governme...

09 Oct 2008 | NEWS

Azerbaijan: Advisory Service on Macroeconomic Management and Institutional Reforms

During its 17 years of independence, Azerbaijan has faced many of the challenges that also confronted other CIS* countries, namely economic distort...

08 Oct 2008 | NEWS

An Active September for ENEPO: 4 New Publications

No. 365 - CIS Countries' Interests vis-à-vis the European Union and its Eastern PolicyNo. 366 - Labor Migration from East to West in the Context of...

08 Oct 2008 | NEWS

Economic and Social Consequences of Industrial Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine

WP-05: Social security, labour market and restructuring: Current situation and expected outcomes of reformsThe demographic situation and the labour...

29 Sep 2008 | NEWS

Is Georgia Ready for a Free Trade Agreement with the EU?

Hinting at an answer, CASE Vice-President, Malgorzata Jakubiak, presented the major findings of the study on The Economic Feasibility, General Econ...

24 Sep 2008 | NEWS

Energy Sector in the CIS: Policy Challenges and the Importance for the EU

Decreasing energy production and increasing consumption in the European Union, as well as a dependency trend on Russian gas, will shape cooperation...