17 Jun 2009 | NEWS

Financial and Political Crisis in Ukraine, CASE Policy Research Seminar

Dr. Anders Aslund, keynote speaker at the CASE Policy Research Seminar, June 4, 2009, discussed the heated issue of the current “Financial and Political Crisis in Ukraine”.  Aslund’s presentation contained findings from his recently published book...

22 May 2009 | NEWS

In defense of entrepreneurial capitalism

According to Balcerowicz, it looks too simple and superficial just condemn the entrepreneurial capitalism, while the true question should be “what...

22 Apr 2009 | NEWS

Erawatch Country Report 2008

An assessment of research system and policies in PolandWritten by Michał Górzyński and Małgorzata Jakubiak is one of the 27 analytical country repo...

17 Apr 2009 | NEWS

Challenges to European integration

The EU budget is limited to 1% of its GDP and finances only specific policies. The EU cannot borrow or provide credit guarantees. There are several...

19 Mar 2009 | NEWS

Diversity and Commonality in European Social Policies: The Forging of a European Social Model

edited by Stanislawa Golinowska, Peter Hengstenberg and Maciej Zukowski deals with the complex issue of social policy in the European Union. Social...

28 Feb 2009 | NEWS

How Ukraine became a Market Economy and Democracy

Anders Aslund’s “How Ukraine became a Market Economy and Democracy” is structured to analyze every regime of independent Ukraine and its respective...

24 Feb 2009 | NEWS

How to improve the investment climate in the CIS?

These improvements are now taking on a more imperative character given the recent turmoil in the financial and credit markets along with a general...