25 Mar 2011 | NEWS

Fiscal policy in the EU in the crisis: a model-based approach

The current recession has proven to be the deepest and longest since the 1930s and recovery remains uncertain and fragile. But the general policy response to the downturn has been swift and decisive. Aside from government interventions dealing wit...

25 Mar 2011 | NEWS

Pension reforms in Poland and elsewhere: the view from Paris

Peter Jarrett, the head of Country Studies Division OECD was presenting at the 113 BRE CASE seminar.“Partially reversing pension reform will also c...

22 Mar 2011 | NEWS

European economic governance and the future of the Euro

In his recently published article “European economic governance and the future of the Euro” CASE President Marek Dabrowski argues why “keeping the...

11 Mar 2011 | NEWS

CASE is searching for taxation experts

CASE is searching for taxation experts to work on new projects within the Framework Contract: “Provision of economic analysis in the area of taxati...

10 Mar 2011 | NEWS

"This crisis was not a black swan"

7 March 2011, Fernando Montes-Negret spoke about the multiple crises and phases in the period of 2007 – 2010 at a CASE Policy Research Seminar. He...

08 Mar 2011 | NEWS

CASE 2011 International Conference "Europe 2020: Future of European Integration"

Every two years CASE organizes an international conference which agenda concentrates on the most current and critical economic policy issues relate...

25 Feb 2011 | NEWS

CASE concludes a FP 6 project on competitiveness of firms, regions and industries in the knowledg...

CASE has successfully completed the four years MICRO–DYN project (which stands for Micro-Dynamics) within a consortium of 17 partners. The internat...