27 Jun 2011 | NEWS

CASE 2010 Annual Report

The 2010 Annual Report highlights CASE’s key achievements in 2010, including: initiating new projects in the thematic areas of European Union external trade relations, European Integration and European Neighbourhood Policy; expanding CASE geograph...

24 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Egypt: Political Transition vs. Economic Challenges?

The revolutionary events of January and February 2011 opened the door for democratic transition in Egypt, but the road to a stable and sustainable...

23 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Pensions in Poland and Elsewhere: the View from Paris

Starting in 2010 debate began in Poland about whether the existing retirement income system was functioning as well as its original designers had h...

22 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Will IMF Intervention Help Belarus Solve Its Old Problems?

"Last month the Government and National Bank of Belarus (NBB) announced that they would ask for a new stand-by loan from the IMF. The requests for...

17 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Why is the debt crisis spreading throughout the euro area? (115th BRE Bank-CASE seminar)

After the financial and economic crisis of 2009, Europe is now facing unprecedented and escalating fiscal crisis. Until now, the latest crisis has...

16 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia

Yet, the Kyrgyz Republic remains vulnerable to numerous external and internal shocks, and its public finance and balance of payments are still frag...

13 Jun 2011 | NEWS

‘Why is the Debt Crisis Spreading through the Euro Area?’ Charles Wyplosz presents at the upcomin...

Professor Charles Wyplosz will present at BRE Bank – CASE seminar and will discuss why the Debt Crisis is spreading throughout the Euro Area. The...