05 Oct 2012 | NEWS

MEDPRO scientific workshop

CASE Fellows Emmanuel Bergasse, Marek Dabrowski and Luc de Wulf represented CASE at the final scientific workshop of the MEDPRO project, which aims to contribute to the reform process of the political, economic and social agendas in the Mediterran...

04 Oct 2012 | NEWS

CASE welcomes prof. Misha V. Belkindas among our Fellows

CASE is happy to welcome Prof. Misha V. Belkindas among our Fellows. Prof. Belkindas specializes in Statistics and Development Economics. He is, am...

01 Oct 2012 | NEWS

CASE took part in „NEUJOBS validation event” in Bratislava

The First Validation Event took place in Bratislava, 26-29 September within the NEUJOBS project. The aim of the conference was to gather key projec...

11 Sep 2012 | NEWS

122 BRE-CASE seminar: Why a Breakup of the Euro Area Must be Avoided

One of the big questions of our time is whether the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) will survive? This is the question which Anders Åslund asks a...

05 Sep 2012 | NEWS

Discussing policy implications concerning knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in Europe

The final conference of the three and a half years FP7 project AEGIS was opened in Milan today. The conference focuses on the empirical results of...

05 Sep 2012 | NEWS

Publication of the CASE Report „Economic potential of shale gas production in Poland in the years...

Thanks to shale gas the United States has achieved energy self-sufficiency and the price of gas has decreased, contributing to an increase in indus...

03 Sep 2012 | NEWS

CASE discussing the draft final report of the Trade SIA in support for a DCFTA between the EU and...

CASE invites interested representatives of civil society organisations to participate in the meeting to discuss the Trade sustainability impact ass...