19 Sep 2013 | NEWS

Major VAT gap study directed by CASE has been released today by the EC

The study on the VAT (value added tax) gap was prepared within the project “Study to quantify and analyze the VAT gap in the EU-27 Member States” and conducted for the European Commission (DG TAXUD). The study presents updated estimates of the dif...

13 Sep 2013 | NEWS

The study on “Belarus’s WTO Accession: Impact on Domestic Business” published

A new study, titled “Belarus’ WTO Accession: Impact on Domestic Business”, has been prepared within the project “Belarus on the road to the WTO: Pr...

06 Sep 2013 | NEWS

Seven studies on labor migration from the EaP countries released

Since the resolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s and through the large-scale labor mobility during the 2000s, migration has continued to impac...

26 Aug 2013 | NEWS

Support for firms' innovation in Turkey and Poland

As the importance of innovation and technological development is recognized more and more, government strategies increasingly consider innovation a...

21 Aug 2013 | NEWS

The EU’s Economic Policy Architecture after the Ratification of the Fiscal Treaty

Under strong influence of the emerging public debt, the “Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union” was p...

02 Aug 2013 | NEWS

Addressing youth unemployment

The problem of unemployment among young people has been growing since the beginning of the crisis. Young people struggling to find work find that t...

23 Jul 2013 | NEWS

Another task within the project "Belarus on the road to the WTO: Problems and Prospects" completed

The entrepreneurs’ survey conducted under the project "Belarus on the road to the WTO: Problems and Prospects” was completed successfully. The surv...