20 Nov 2023

e4CARE Project Meeting

On the 20th of November CASE representatives took part in the fourth Transnational Project Meeting
within e4CARE project which was organized in Piraeus (Greece) by one of the project partners. The
event brought together the Consortium members to discuss the state of the art of the project,
specifically focusing on the PR3 activities related to e4CARE stock of e-learning materials.
Furthermore, this meeting represented as an opportunity to schedule the activities to be carried out in
the following months.

E4CARE is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission within the
action KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational which involves a Consortium of 6 Partners
from 4 countries (Poland, Greece, Romania, France). The e4CARE main aim is to provide a one-of-a-
kind innovative didactic inventory, which will fill the EU and national gaps in terms of digital
competence shortages among healthcare and social care professionals in innovating the care model.

Learn more about the project



