18 Jan 2012 | NEWS

118 BRE-CASE seminar: Fiscal Challenges in an Era of Declining Demand and Sustainability Concerns

January 26th: Carlo Cottarelli will base his presentation on the forthcoming update of the IMF Fiscal Monitor. The update will provide revised fiscal projections for fiscal indicators in advanced and emerging economies.

12 Jan 2012 | NEWS

Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment in support of negotiations of deep comprehensive free trad...

The project, funded by the European Commission, focuses on trade and trade-related provisions under negotiation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free...

11 Jan 2012 | NEWS

Poland - Meeting 2020 Social Inclusion Targets

CASE expert Irena Topińska is conducting a study contracted by the World Bank. The project is a study of the costs and benefits of meeting 2020 obj...

09 Jan 2012 | NEWS

Russia’s Accession to the WTO: Impacts and Challenges

On December 16th, 2011, an 18 year long negotiation process regarding Russia’s WTO membership was finally brought to an end. Undoubtedly, Russia’s...

04 Jan 2012 | NEWS

Financial Participation of Employees in Companies’ Proceeds

CASE is providing the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament (EP) with a research study on the financial participati...

21 Dec 2011 | NEWS

CASE International Conference: first presentations now available

If you missed CASE International Conference in November 2011 you have now the possibility to watch the presentations online. The first sessions are...

20 Dec 2011 | NEWS

The Failed Political Economy of the Euro Crisis

The euro crisis has been extensively discussed in terms of economics, finance, political intrigues, and European Institutions, but a key aspect—the...