23 Sep 2014 | NEWS

The effects of unconventional monetary policy: what do central banks not include in their models?

In 2009, for the first time since the end of World War II, the world economy shrank. This resulted from the economic downturn in highly developed countries and surprised most economists. According to the IMF forecast published in spring 2008, GDP...

19 Sep 2014 | NEWS

The NGO sector is getting stronger thanks to the private companies’ help – “25 years of independe...

The debate concerned the past and the future of co-operation between the private sector and NGOs. Participants discussed forms of the collaboratio...

08 Sep 2014 | NEWS

War Games or a new economy? - CASE's Maciej Sobolewski during XXIV Economic Forum in Krynica

The increase in military expenditure from 1.95% (guaranteed by Polish law) to the NATO-recommended 2% of GDP, announced lately by President Komoro...

28 Jul 2014 | NEWS

Lessons learned for monetary policy from the recent crisis: mBank – CASE Seminar Proceedings No. 130

“Most people would say that Europe is still sort of coming out of the financial crisis that we had 5 years ago, which was probably the worst since...

17 Jul 2014 | NEWS

Forecasting Financial Stress and the Economic Sensitivity in CEE Countries

Two unobservable phenomena, financial stress and economic sensitivity, have an important effect on the economic situation of a country. Economic s...

04 Jul 2014 | NEWS

Can public policies stimulate the demand for innovation in businesses?

Each year in Europe 19% of public spending, that is over 2.300bn euros, goes to the public procurement but only a tiny share of this is allocate t...

27 Jun 2014 | NEWS

Is Europe Overbanked?

Since the beginning of the economic crisis in 2008, academics, policy makers, and citizens alike have engaged in discussions about its causes and...