16 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia

Yet, the Kyrgyz Republic remains vulnerable to numerous external and internal shocks, and its public finance and balance of payments are still fragile. The social policies in Kyrgyzstan have always been directed towards sustaining the most importa...

03 Jun 2011 | NEWS

Shallow versus Deep Integration between Mediterranean Countries and the EU and within the Mediter...

In the framework of CASE three year project "MEDPRO - Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region" CASE Network Report No.96 aims at paving t...

16 May 2011 | NEWS

Strengthening the Recovery: The IMF's Outlook for Europe

The recovery in Europe is gaining ground, but downside risks remain. In advanced Europe, domestic demand is strengthening, but it remains weak in t...

12 May 2011 | NEWS

“The Nordic experience is not a role model, but meant to be a society model”

On May 10, Professor Kalle (Karl Ove) Moene, gave his interpretation on the Nordic Experience at CASE Policy Research Seminar. He stressed the fact...

10 Mar 2011 | NEWS

"This crisis was not a black swan"

7 March 2011, Fernando Montes-Negret spoke about the multiple crises and phases in the period of 2007 – 2010 at a CASE Policy Research Seminar. He...

22 Apr 2009 | NEWS

Erawatch Country Report 2008

An assessment of research system and policies in PolandWritten by Michał Górzyński and Małgorzata Jakubiak is one of the 27 analytical country repo...

28 Jan 2009 | NEWS

Fiscal Stimulus Packages: Can They Rescue the Economy?

Leszek Balcerowicz and Andrzej Rzonca were invited to kick off the first CASE policy research seminar of the year on 13 January 2009. The financial...