05 Sep 2015 | NEWS

Non-compliance costs Europe €168 billion in VAT revenues in 2013

Only in 2013 the EU Member States lost approximately €168 billion in VAT revenues due to non-compliance, according to a recent study conducted by the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) for the European Commission. The report: “Study to...

11 Aug 2015 | NEWS

New publication: An assessment of direct and indirect liabilities of Polish banks AD 2015

"If the present trends are allowed to prevail, with the role of the banks for the economy in both Poland and Europe remaining at the present level...

10 Aug 2015 | NEWS

High growth enterprises in Poland

CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research prepared a report dedicated to high growth enterprises. Although these companies are only a few perc...

30 Jun 2015 | NEWS

"The Banking Union: State of Art" - new mBank-CASE publication

It is widely believed that the creation of the banking union initiated the integration of the EU banking market. The process is traced back to Jun...

30 Jun 2015 | NEWS

Will Belarus fully benefit from the Eurasian Economic Union?

Eurasian Economic Union, an ambitious project intended to benefit the countries in the post-soviet zone, evokes questions about its future. Is pull...

03 Jun 2015 | NEWS

Experts on overregulation in the banking sector – 138th mBank-CASE Seminar

“The issue of overregulation in the banking sector has recently been widely discussed due to the fact that nowadays domestic and international legi...

26 May 2015 | NEWS

New publication: Revisiting the Latvian and Greek Financial Crises

Among the EU countries, Latvia and Greece stand out because, in the midst of the crisis, they had the largest potential budget deficits and they ex...