27 Sep 2017 | NEWS

How Not to Get Stuck in the Middle-Income Trap? Lessons for the CIS from Central and Eastern Europe

The aim of the new CASE paper "How Not to Get Stuck in the Middle: Lessons for the Commonwealth of Independent States from Central and Eastern Europe" by Kamil Pruchnik and Jakub Zowczak is to analyze how different models of transformation in Cent...

26 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Wages rise but will inflation follow?

The 2% wage growth in the Eurozone in the second quarter of 2017 has surpassed market expectations, a signal that the inflation rate could pick up...

25 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Smarter Industry, Smarter Europe

A recent communication from the European Commission entitled Investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable Industry. A renewed EU Industrial Pol...

05 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Russia’s Crony Capitalism: Stagnant But Stable

The Russian economy is caught in stagnation, but thanks to a skillful macroeconomic policy, the economy has stabilized. The current economic model...

01 Sep 2017 | NEWS

Christopher A. Hartwell: "Ukrainian state interference deters potential international investors"

"The Ukrainian government must work to reduce regulatory role in order to attract FDI and fuel economic growth", says Christopher A. Hartwell, Pres...

18 Jul 2017 | NEWS

Potential impact of financial innovation on financial services and monetary policy

The recent wave of financial innovation, particularly innovation related to the application of information and communication technologies, poses a...

23 Jun 2017 | NEWS

The mixed blessing of the ‘multi-speed’ EU

The UK decision to leave the EU kicked off the debate of how the remaining 27 member states want to repair and further advance a European integrat...