05 Mar 2018 | NEWS

New Opportunities for Cooperation Between the Visegrad Four and Central Asia

Political and economic ties that existed before 1990 between Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland on the one hand and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan on the other took a nosedive after the collapse of the socialist...

21 Feb 2018 | NEWS

CALL FOR PAPERS: Economic Policies and Political Economy in the EU after the Crisis

The EUROFRAME group of research institutes (CASE, CPB, DIW, ESRI, ETLA, IfW, NIESR, OFCE, PROMETEIA, WIFO) will hold its fifteenth annual Conferenc...

08 Feb 2018 | NEWS

Winners and Losers of Globalisation: Summit Declaration available

Launched in January 2015, Vision Europe is a joint project of leading European foundations and think tanks Bertelsmann Stiftung, Germany; Bruegel,...

04 Dec 2017 | NEWS

Serbia’s Cooperation with China, the European Union, Russia and the United States of America

Since 2000, Serbia has undergone a halting yet persistent reintegration into the global economy. However, Serbian foreign policy currently faces a...

30 Nov 2017 | NEWS

CASE 25th Anniversary Symposium on the Future of Europe: Special Issue of Comparative Economic St...

The special issue of Comparative Economic Studies from the CASE 25th Anniversary Conference (November 2016) has been published. Over the past 25 y...

29 Nov 2017 | NEWS

CALL FOR PAPERS: Economic Policies and Political Economy in the EU after the Crisis

The EUROFRAME group of research institutes (CASE, CPB, DIW, ESRI, ETLA, IfW, NIESR, OFCE, PROMETEIA, WIFO) will hold its fifteenth annual Conferenc...

07 Nov 2017 | NEWS

Domestic Cycles, Financial Cycles, and Policies. What Has Gone Wrong? | New Paper by Prof. Daniel...

The financial crisis and its ensuing effects have brought back into the limelight the issue of cycles and of policies which fuel or mitigate crises...