21 Dec 2018 | NEWS

Where is the global economy heading in 2019?

By Christopher Dembik, CASE Fellow One of the main difficulties in economics is to identify turning points in the business cycle. The notion of Credit Impulse tries to solve this issue by focusing on the evolution of the flow of credit. CASE publi...

03 Dec 2018 | NEWS

What future ahead of the European Union?

The EU is changing. Brexit, the rise of nationalist and Eurosceptic forces, uncertainty about EU s capability to deal with another economic and fin...

26 Nov 2018 | NEWS

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the trade war

Concerns about SOEs are just one symptom of a broader tension between the economic freedoms and state intervention paradigms and the crisis of inst...

09 Nov 2018 | NEWS

China is easing again as global growth is slowing

By Christopher Dembik, CASE Fellow One of the main difficulties in economics is to identify turning points in the business cycle. The notion of Cre...

03 Sep 2018 | NEWS

Virtual currencies and their potential impact on financial markets and monetary policy - CASE new...

Less than a decade has passed since the development of Bitcoin, the first private decentralised digital currency with a global reach. Despite many...

03 Jul 2018 | NEWS

Remaining Lucid at an Outbreak of a Global Trade War

This week marks the introduction of the latest round of US import tariffs aimed at protecting US producers against what is seen by the US administr...

02 Jul 2018 | NEWS

Round table talks on the Belt and Road Initiative at CASE

(photo credits: flickr, xiquinhosilva) On June 19, CASE organized a discussion on the opportunities which the Belt and Road initiative (BRI) can b...