In January 2011 CASE was again awarded with two new Framework Contracts

As the new year starts, CASE was awarded two new Framework contracts. Framework contracts enable CASE to quickly respond to calls for academic, research and technical expertise by being a member of a shortlisted group of institutions ready to undertake such assignments. CASE currently participates in 13 Framework contracts. 

Within the Framework Contract COM 2011 CASE in a consortium with AETS (FR), Ernst & Young (BE), Milieu (BE), GEOtest (CZ), AENOR (ES), Equinoccio (ES), Estonian Institute for Human Rights (ET), Thierry Apoteker Consulting (FR), Edburgh Consultants (NL) and Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) was awarded with Lot 1: Studies and Technical assistance in all sectors. It is expected to have an initial duration of maximum 2 years which can be extended up to 2 years. The beneficiary of the short-term technical assistance to be contracted via this FWC is the European Commission or the European Court of Auditors or the European Commission together with the beneficiaries of external aid. The requests for services will cover the following areas:

  1. social development/employment/eradication of poverty
  2. education
  3. health
  4. civil society
  5. human rights
  6. governance/state reform/security
  7. migration
  8. trade/development of the private sector
  9. food security
  10. rural development
  11. environment/climate/natural resources/energy
  12. development policies


Within the Multiple Framework Service Contract(s) in Competition for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services to DG ECFIN, including support for impact assessment activities, CASE was awarded 2 lots. CASE is part of a consortium led by ECORYS Netherlands.
Lot 2 on the ‘provision of evaluation and evaluation related services in the field of macrofinancial assistance and balance of payment support operations’ is a continuation of the framework contract under which CASE has successfully been involved in performing such evaluations in amongst others Tajikistan, Serbia, Albania, Georgia and Moldova in the past 5 years. We hope this to be a source of new projects in the coming years as well.
Lot 1 on the ‘provision of evaluation and evaluation related services, including impact assessment, in the field of "Economic and Monetary Union", "International Economic and Financial Affairs" and "Financial Operations and Instruments"’ offers new opportunities to broaden CASE’s project activities. The contract will be first signed for a duration of 1 year, but can be extended up to 3 times.