Selected values
Katarzyna Zawalińska holds her MPhil in Development from the University of Cambridge and PhD in economics from the University of Warsaw. She specializes in agricultural and rural policy evaluations with use of advanced quantitative methods. Her major skills are: regional Computable General Equilibrium modeling, econometric analyses and applied evaluation techniques. She carried out many scientific and evaluation project of the EU programmes and beyond (PHAREs, Rural Development Programs, Regional Operational Programs, World Bank projects, European Rural Development Network Working Groups, DG AGRI Working Groups, DG REGIO, etc.). She was a manager/leader of the Polish team in many international projects to mention only the most recent ones: Horizon 2020 (SURE-FARM, LIFT, BATModel, BioMonitor4CAP, SoilValues), DG AGRI projects (e.g. “Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on generational renewal, local development and jobs in rural areas) and a manager of the whole international project ESPON “TERCO “. She used to be a member of the Board in the European Association of Agricultural Economists and she holds her position as a member of the international Advisory Board in EuroChoices and IAMO Institute.
Current Positions:
- CASE Fellow
- Head of Economic Modelling Department, IRWiR Polish Academy of Scieces
Previous Positions:
2016- Head of Modelling Department, Polish Academy of Sciences, IRWiR PAN, Warsaw, Poland
2008-2016 Deputy Director, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Warsaw, Poland
2010-2013 University of Warsaw, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies, Associate Professor, Warsaw, Poland
2004-2008 Researcher,Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Warsaw, Poland
1998-2004 CASE- Center for Social and Economic Research, Economist (since 10/01); Research Assistant (since 11/98), Assistant to the Board (1/98-3/00), Warsaw, Poland, since January 1998
2001-2003 Warsaw School of Social Psychology, Lecturer, Warsaw, Poland
Recent publications
- Zawalińska, K. and Gradziuk, P. (2022). „Accelerated adaptability in pursuit of future alternative systems. The case of family, fruit and vegetable farming system in Central-Eastern Poland”, in ed. Miranda PM Meuwissen, Peter H Feindt, Alberto Garrido, Erik Mathijs, Bárbara Soriano, Julie Urquhart, Alisa Spiegel, Resilient and Sustainable Farming Systems in Europe: Exploring Diversity and Pathways. Cambridge University Press.
Zawalińska, K., Wąs, A., Kobus, P., Bańkowska, K. (2021). A framework linking farming resilience with productivity: empirical validation from Poland in times of crises. Sustainability Science (2021), Springer.
- M.P.M. Meuwissen, P.H. Feindt, T. Slijper, A. Spiegel, R. Finger, Y. de Mey, W. Paas, K.J.A.M. Termeer, P.M. Poortvliet, M. Peneva, J. Urquhart, M. Vigani, J.E. Black, P. Nicholas-Davies, D. Maye, F. Appel, F. Heinrich, A. Balmann, J. Bijttebier, I. Coopmans, E. Wauters, E. Mathijs, H. Hansson, C.J. Lagerkvist, J. Rommel, G. Manevska-Tasevska, F. Accatino, C. Pineau, B. Soriano, I. Bardaji, S. Severini, S. Senni, C. Zinnanti, C. Gavrilescu, I.S. Bruma, K.M. Dobay, D. Matei, L. Tanasa, D.M. Voicilas, K. Zawalińska, P. Gradziuk, V. Krupin, A. Martikainen, H. Herrera, P. Reidsma, (2021). “Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking”, Agricultural Systems, Volume 191, 2021,
- Reidsma, P., Meuwissen, M., Accatino, F., Appel, F., Bardaji, I., Coopmans , I., Gavrilescu, C., Heinrich, F., Krupin, V., Manevska‐Tasevska ,G., Peneva, M., Rommel, J., Severini, S., Soriano, B., Urquhart, J., Zawalińska, K., Paas, W., (2020) ‘How do Stakeholders Perceive the Sustainability and Resilience of EU Farming Systems?’, EuroChoices, 19(2), pp. 18-27. doi: 10.1111/1746-692X.12280
- Zawalińska, K.; Kinnunen, J.; Gradziuk, P.; Celińska-Janowicz, D. To Whom Should We Grant a Power Plant? Economic Effects of Investment in Nuclear Energy in Poland. Energies 2020, 13, 2687
- Meuwissen, M.P.M., Feindt, P.H; Spiegel, A., Termeer, C.; Mathijs, E.; de Mey, Y., Finger, R.; Balmann, A.; Wauters, E.; Urquhart, J.; Vigani, M.; Zawalińska, K.; Herrera, H.; Nicholas-Davies, P.; Hansson, H.; Paas, W.; Slijper, T.; Coopmans, I.; Vroege, W.; Ciechomska, A.; Accatino,F.; Kopainsky, B; P.; Poortvliet, M.; Candel, J.J.L.; Maye, D.; Severini, S.; Senni, S.; Soriano, B.; Lagerkvist, C-J.; Peneva, M.; Gavrilescu, C.; Reidsma, P. (2019). A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. Agricultural Systems, Volume 176, 2019. ISSN 0308-521X,
- Milczarek-Andrzejewska Dominika, Zawalińska Katarzyna, Czarnecki Adam (2018). Land-use conflicts and the Common Agricultural Policy: Evidence from Poland, Land Use Policy, 73: 423-433.
- Zawalińska, K., Tran, N., Płoszaj, A. (2017). “Planning R&D in a Post Centrally-Planned Economy: Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects in Poland”. Journal of Policy Modeling (forthcoming)
Book publications:
- Zawalińska, K. (2019) ” Special Study: The Role of CAP Rural Development Programs in Creating Rural Jobs in Poland”. In Davidova, S.; Thomson, J. T.; Mishra, A. K. Ed. Rural Policies and Employment: TransAtlantic Experiences. USA World Scientific, . | July 2019
- Zawalińska, K. (2019). “Polityka rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Polsce po wstąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej: dylemat wyboru między efektywnością a równością, W Olechnicka,A., Herbst, M. (red.): Równość czy efektywność rozwoju. Eseje inspirowane dorobkiem naukowym Grzegorza Gorzelaka., Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, bez serii, 2019, ISBN: 978-8365390-64-6, s.218-237
- Horridge, M., Rokicki, B., Zawalińska, K. (2017). Regionalny Model Równowagi Ogólnej TERM i przykłady jego zastosowania w Polsce. Wydawnictwa Uniwerystetu Warszawskiego (WUW), ISNN 978-83-235-2881-4.
- Gorzelak, G. i Zawalińska, K. red. (2013). European territories: from cooperation to integration? Warszawa: Scholar.
- Red. M.. Drygas i K. Zawalińska (2012). Uwarunkowania ekonomiczne polityki rozwoju polskiej wsi i rolnictwa, str. 243, IRWiR PAN, Warszawa.
- K. Zawalińska (2009). Instrumenty i efekty wsparcia Unii Europejskiej dla regionalnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Polsce, Polska Akademia Nauk, IRWiR, Warszawa.
- K. Zawalińska (2009). Competitiveness of Polish agriculture before integration with EU. Efficiency, productivity and price adjustments, Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln.