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Matthias Luecke

CASE Fellow

  • Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D. equivalent), Gießen University (1992),
  • Diplom-Volkswirt (M.Sc. equivalent), Cologne University (1985),
  • General course student, London School of Economics and Political Science (with a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service) (1982-1983),
  • Scholarship, German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) (1980-1985).

German (native), English (fluent), French (basic), Spanish (basic), Portuguese (basic).


  • migration and development
  • social policy and poverty reduction
  • development economics
  • Economic Integration
  • European integration
  • international economics
  • Labor Migration
  • trade

Dr. Matthias Luecke is a Senior Researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and Adjunct Professor at Kiel University. From 200 to 2003 Dr. Luecke was a senior economist at IMF, where he worked on the country desks for Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Moldova. He has been a consultant for various national governments and international organizations, especially on issues related to WTO accession. His research interests include resource-based economic development, migration and migration remittances in CIS countries, and the relationship between globalization, technological change and income inequality.


Current Positions:

  • CASE Fellow,
  • Senior Researcher and Program Coordinator “Education and Services”, The Kiel Institute for the World Economy,
  • Adjunct Professor at Kiel University,
  • Adjunct lecturer and adjunct Professor (since 2011), Kiel University (Since 2006),
  • Senior researcher, The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Since 2003),
  • Program Coordinator for Education and Services (Since 2010).

Previous Positions:

  • Management Coordinator for Economic Policy (2006-2009),
  • Head of research team “Industrialization and International Trade” (2003-2005),
  • Senior Economist, European II Department, International Monetary Fund (2000-2003),
  • Head of research team “Industrialization and International Trade”,The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (1995-2000),
  • Research Economist, The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (1987-1995).

Selected Publications:

  • Siegel, M., Lücke, M. (2009). What determines the choice of transfer channel for remittances? Evidence from Moldova . Kiel Working Paper, 1515, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, 24 pp. 
  • Lücke, M. (2010). Natürliche Ressourcen in Aserbaidschan, Kasachstan und Turkmenistan – Segen oder Fluch für die wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung?. Schriften des Zentrums für Osteuropastudien (ZOS) der Universität Kiel, Alexander Trunk, Azar Aliyev, Das Kaspische Meer als Wirtschaftsraum, Josef Eul, Lohmar, 1-20. 
  • Arslan, A., Effenberger, A., Lücke, M., Omar Mahmoud, T. (2009). International Labor Migration and Remittances Beyond the Crisis: Towards Development-friendly Migration Policies. Kiel Policy Brief, 10 
  • Lücke, M. (2009). IMF Reform in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: Let the IMF Speak Truth to Power. Kiel Policy Brief, 8, Kiel Institute for the World Economy 
  • Lücke, M., Omar Mahmoud, T., Steinmayr, A. (2009). Labour Migration and Remittances in Moldova: Is the Boom Over?. International Organization for Migration Moldova Office, Chisinau, Moldova 
  • Prohnitchi (Coordinator), V., Lücke, M., et al. (2009). A Free Trade Area between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union: Feasibility, Perspectives and Potential Impact (Acordul de Liber Schimb între Republica Moldova şi Uniunea Europeană: Fezabilitatea, perspectivele şi impactul potenţial). Expert Grup, Chisinau, Moldova 
  • Atamanov, A., Lücke, M., Mogilevsky, R., Omar Mahmoud, T., Tereshchenko, K., Tourdyeva, N., Uzagalieva, A., Vavryschuk, V. (2009). Income and Distribution Effects of Migration and Remittances: An Analysis based on CGE Models for Selected CIS Countries. CASE Network Reports, No. 86 
  • Emerson, M., Lücke, M., Schweickert, R., et al. (2006). The Prospect of Deep Free Trade between the European Union and Ukraine. Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels 
  • Lücke, M., Rothert, J. (2006). Central Asia’s Comparative Advantage in International Trade. Kiel Economic Policy Papers, 6, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, 39 pp. 
  • Lücke, M., Spinanger, D. (2004). Liberalizing International Trade in Services: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries. Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge, 412, Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel, 48. 

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