Selected values
Investments and Their Determinants and Long-term Economic Growth in Poland
Adam Śmietanka
Adam Śmietanka is an Economist at CASE. His areas of expertise include data analysis, data visualization, web scraping, and inflation measurement. At CASE, Mr. Śmietanka is responsible for conducting data analysis, economic research, and developing and maintaining CASE’s online monthly consumer price index. His professional experience includes an internship with PwC’s Advisory Team and a … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
VAT compliance gap due to Missing Trader IntraCommunity (MTIC) fraud – Final report: phase 1
The phenomenon of Missing Trader Intra-Community fraud (MTIC fraud) stands out as a significant form of VAT fraud. In this scheme, a fraudulent trader sells goods and services to other businesses, collects the VAT from customers, and then vanishes without remitting it to tax authorities. Despite variations in assessments of its exact scale, both revealed … <a href="">Continued</a>
VAT gap in the EU. Report 2023
This Report has been prepared for the European Commission, DG TAXUD, for the project TAXUD/2019/AO-14, “Study and Reports on the VAT Gap in the EU-28 Member States”, and is a follow-up to the eight reports published between 2013 and 2020. The report provides yearly Value Added Tax (VAT) Gap estimates for the EU-28 covering the … <a href="">Continued</a>
VAT Gap in the EU. Report 2022
VAT is one of the core sources of government revenue in the EU. Meeting the fiscal objective of VAT requires confronting the key challenge of taxpayer non-compliance with VAT payment obligations. It also requires sensible decisions regarding narrowing the tax base or reducing VAT liability for certain parts of the tax base. The relevance … <a href="">Continued</a>
VAT compliance gap due to Missing Trader IntraCommunity (MTIC) fraud – Final report: phase 1
Jan Hagemejer
Macroeconomics and Trade Director
Jan Hagemejer’s areas of expertise are international trade as well as macroeconomic and structural issues. He graduated from University of Warsaw where he also obtained his PhD and habilitation, as well as from Purdue University (MA in Economics). He works as an associate professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. Prior to … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
Modelling the environmental impact of agri-food trade policies
In the era of globalization, international trade policies significantly influence the economic and environmental conditions of countries. As environmental concerns grow, it’s important to understand how these trade policies affect sustainable development and identify the strategies needed to achieve positive outcomes for the climate and environment. This analysis aims to evaluate the impact of international … <a href="">Continued</a>
Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index 2.0
For policymakers to bolster the global competitiveness of their nations and regions, they first must know where they stand. This report benchmarks the 121 regions of Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Sweden, and the United States using 13 commonly available indicators of strength in the knowledge economy, globalization, and innovation capacity.
Global value chains: Potential synergies between external trade policy and internal economic initiatives to address the strategic dependencies of the EU
Global value chains enable two-thirds of international trade, notably for the EU. The EU wants to preserve its commercial links with third countries and organisations to make up for trade disruptions. This study examines sustainable supply of raw materials, commodities, and critical goods using the EU’s Open Strategic Autonomy concept. It examines which raw material … <a href="">Continued</a>
Modelling the environmental impact of agri-food trade policies