Selected values
How to eradicate skills poverty among the most vulnerable?
Agnieszka Maj
Agnieszka Maj is an Economist at CASE. She holds an MA degree in International Economic Relations from Cracow University of Economics. Currently, she is obtaining an MA in Gender Studies – Intersectionality and Change at Linköping University. During her education (on both BA and MA levels) she participated in numerous exchange programs at the University … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
A review of sustainable leadership practices
This Good Practice Review is a part of the “EmpowerHer: Female Leadership for Sustainable Development” project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project aims to promote and introduce good Nordic practices related to sustainable development and education for sustainable development in the Baltic countries.
Tourism and rural development
The study delves into the multifaceted impact and potential of tourism in fostering rural development across the European Union (EU). Its aim is to equip local governments with practical insights, empowering them to effectively leverage the benefits of tourism in rural EU regions. Employing a diverse array of research methodologies, including interviews, case studies, and … <a href="">Continued</a>
A review of sustainable leadership practices
Delia Agostinelli
Delia Agostinelli is a Junior Economist at CASE. Graduated cum laude in Economics and Economic Policy at the University of Bologna with a thesis entitled “Impact of skilled migration on human capital formation and growth performance of source countries“. At CASE, Delia is involved in projects related to green economy, energy policies as well as … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries
This study was prepared as part of a project on E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) under the specific contract No CDR.17081 implementing multiple framework contract for studies in the field of external relations No CDR/2022/B3/1/1-CIVEX-RELEX. The aim of the study … <a href="">Continued</a>
Making the EESC the facilitator and guarantor of participatory democracy activities
This study looks at the Conference on the Future of Europe’s (CoFoE) proposals on European democracy and the role of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). It explores different options for institutional reform of the EESC to best serve its purpose and increase citizens’ participation. To do this, the study examines different forms of … <a href="">Continued</a>
Addressing the challenges of the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in national Recovery and Resilience Plans: a preliminary assessment
This briefing paper provides an initial analysis of selected measures proposed by Germany, France, Italy and Poland in their respective Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs), and focuses on the areas of competitiveness, business environment /entrepreneurship, and (re)industrialisation. As the analysis has shown, targets and milestones set for the majority of the analysed measures seem to … <a href="">Continued</a>
E-services for citizens at local and regional level in EaP countries
Izabela Marcinkowska
Dr. Marcinkowska’s areas of expertise include the labor market, social policy, and employment. As President of the Management Board, Dr. Marcinkowska is responsible for managing all research and projects in the areas of demography, labor, and social policy, overseeing CASE’s financial administration, and spearheading new business development activities. Dr. Marcinkowska has been cooperating with CASE … <a href="">Continued</a>
Articles from this author:
Tourism and rural development
The study delves into the multifaceted impact and potential of tourism in fostering rural development across the European Union (EU). Its aim is to equip local governments with practical insights, empowering them to effectively leverage the benefits of tourism in rural EU regions. Employing a diverse array of research methodologies, including interviews, case studies, and … <a href="">Continued</a>
Energy policy and the labour market: consequences for employment in regions undergoing energy transitions
This study examines the socio-economic situation of three lignite regions in the process of transitioning out of coal mining: Lusatia in Germany, Wielkopolska in Poland, and Upper Nitra in Slovakia. It assesses the effectiveness of various instruments, factors and approaches in creating quality jobs, employment, and economic growth. The research results suggest that a successful … <a href="">Continued</a>
The cost of non-rurality – preparing for a better urban-rural balance in EU funding
A balanced urban-rural policy is central to successful regional development efforts. There have been several definitions of what could constitute an urban-rural balance (or imbalance), yet measures of actual ‘costs of non-rurality’ remain elusive. Since the Industrial Revolution, debates on this ‘balance’ centred on the shift from agricultural labour to industrial and service centres. This … <a href="">Continued</a>
Tourism and rural development