Selected values
VAT in the digital age
1 Oct 2020 - 30 Nov 2021
Project duration:
01.10.2020 - 30.11.2021
CASE, Oxford Research AB, Wavestone S.A., Hedeos Société d'avocats, Mazars N.V.
Economisti Associati
Adam Śmietanka
Adam Śmietanka is an Economist at CASE. His areas of expertise include data analysis, data visualization, web scraping, and inflation measurement. At CASE, Mr. Śmietanka is responsible for conducting data analysis, economic research, and developing and maintaining CASE’s online monthly consumer price index. His professional experience includes an internship with PwC’s Advisory Team and a … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
Projects from this author:
The challenges of VAT beyond VAT in the Digital Age
This study should consider possible improvements to the EU VAT system and assess their feasibility and likely consequences, based on the analysis of its current weaknesses, gaps, inefficiencies. As requested by the ToR, this requires a forward-looking analysis and prospective reflection, combined with and based on the retrospective assessment of the current situation. The study requires, on the one side, a thorough re-assessment of well-known problems of the EU VAT systems, which have been discussed for years by policymakers, scholars and in courts and tribunals, the solutions to which have already been long proposed in the academic as well as policy arena. On the other side, it requires a fresh view to identify new solutions to old problems, new problems and their possible solutions, as well as potential unknown problems, i.e. those that may appear in the future given the current economic, political and legal evolution and the megatrends of the EU and global society. Operationally, the activities needed to achieve the objectives of the study are straightforward. For each of the areas or angle of analysis, the study team will have to: Identify existing weaknesses and challenges of the EU VAT system, including those that may appear in the future given the likely evolution of the current situation. Design solutions to the problems identified. Assess the feasibility and consequences of the solutions identified.
VAT Gap in the EU
The core objective of this study is to inform in an accurate, timely, understandable, and attractive manner the national administrations, Commission, academic community, and a broader audience on the value, development over time, and difference across Member States of tax gaps and related parameters. More specifically, the study will cover the VAT compliance gap, … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
VAT compliance gap due to Missing trader intra-community (MTIC) fraud
Revenues generated by Value-Added Tax (VAT) play an important role in the budgets of European Union (EU) Member States (MS) and the EU; as VAT resource accounts for around 10% of EU own resource revenue and around 26% of MS’s tax revenue. Tax fraud, evasion and avoidance reduce these revenues, and undermine the tax system, affecting … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
The challenges of VAT beyond VAT in the Digital Age
Projects from this author:
VAT compliance gap due to Missing trader intra-community (MTIC) fraud
Revenues generated by Value-Added Tax (VAT) play an important role in the budgets of European Union (EU) Member States (MS) and the EU; as VAT resource accounts for around 10% of EU own resource revenue and around 26% of MS’s tax revenue. Tax fraud, evasion and avoidance reduce these revenues, and undermine the tax system, affecting … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
VAT Gap in the EU
Description: The core objective of this study is to inform in an accurate, timely, understandable, and attractive manner the national administrations, Commission, academic community, and a broader audience on the value, development over time, and difference across Member States of tax gaps and related parameters. More specifically, the study will cover the VAT compliance gap, … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
VAT Gap in the EU
The 2022 Study will meet new and significant challenges related to accurate and comparable measurement of the VAT Gap in EU Member States. One of these challenges relates to the structural changes in the economies and VAT systems in 2020 and 2021 resulting from the pandemic. Meeting of this challenge will require additional means to … <a href="https://case-research.eu/project/vat-in-the-digital-age-2/">Continued</a>
VAT compliance gap due to Missing trader intra-community (MTIC) fraud