Selected values
Tourism and Rural Development
22 Aug 2023 - 6 Nov 2023
Project duration:
22.08.2023 - 06.11.2023
Agnieszka Maj
Agnieszka Maj is an Economist at CASE. She holds an MA degree in International Economic Relations from Cracow University of Economics. Currently, she is obtaining an MA in Gender Studies – Intersectionality and Change at Linköping University. During her education (on both BA and MA levels) she participated in numerous exchange programs at the University … <a href="">Continued</a>
Projects from this author:
Local and regional success stories of investing in disaster resilience
The aim of the study is to collect, map and share good practices, examples and success stories of investing in disaster resilience (including but not limited to in response to past disasters and the lessons learned from them) at local and regional level. The study focuses on collecting evidence on initiatives, good practice examples and measures taken by the NAT commission members to improve disaster resilience. The study will be built on interviews with NAT commission members based on a questionnaire. The study will also draw conclusions on the benefits of investing in disaster resilience and make some recommendations to local and regional authorities for moving forward based on the success stories collected from the members demonstrating that smart investment at local and regional level can make a difference in disaster risk reduction. The focus will be mainly, but not exclusively, on extreme weather events and climate-related disasters, given their growing frequency, intensity and impact. The study will contribute to knowledge sharing and exchange of good practices, by collecting and sharing success stories from and by members who have invested in reducing vulnerabilities and strengthening disaster resilience at local and regional level. As a repository of local and regional good practice examples, initiatives and measures relating to disaster preparedness and resilience, the aim of the study is also to feed into a bigger and longer-term project to map success stories of investing in disaster resilience on the ground.
- Cancer: repository of regional prevention and detection policies
Natural disasters: anticipatory governance and disaster risk management from a local and regional perspective
The COVID-19 pandemic, the war right on our doorstep, the devastating floods in Slovenia, wildfires in Greece and Cyprus, relentless heatwaves in Italy and Spain, to name just a few: all of them highlight the need to better prepare for, cope with and recover from disasters and crises. It is one of the most important challenges for … <a href="">Continued</a>
Local and regional success stories of investing in disaster resilience
Izabela Marcinkowska
Labor market, social policy, and employment director
Dr. Marcinkowska’s areas of expertise include the labor market, social policy, and employment. As President of the Management Board, Dr. Marcinkowska is responsible for managing all research and projects in the areas of demography, labor, and social policy, overseeing CASE’s financial administration, and spearheading new business development activities. Dr. Marcinkowska has been cooperating with CASE … <a href="">Continued</a>
Projects from this author:
Methodologies for Teamworking in Eco-Outwards Research (METEOR)
Key words: doctoral education, transversal skills, sustainable development, On December 1st, the METEOR project started, funded under the Horizon program. The project, led by CASE and implemented with the participation of 11 other partner organizations and one associated partner from Brazil, will last 36 months. The overall aim of METEOR is to improve the transversal skills of current postgraduates and early career researchers, with consequent benefits to research ecosystems, in line with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. METEOR emphasizes the capacity to collaborate, work in groups and to develop international transdisciplinary projects oriented towards societal challenges and doctoral employment opportunities. METEOR has 6 specific objectives (SO) corresponding to its work package structure: SO1: Effective Management (WP1). SO2: Collect, analyse and report evidence supporting the need for an innovative doctoral training program (WP2). SO3: Develop a comprehensive transversal skills training program comprising a suite of 10 online training resources, using participatory methodologies co-created with the PhDs, ECRs, institutions and researchers, to enhance the skills specified in the Call (WP3). SO4: Implement the resources from WP3 and related activities in online and in-person delivery mode, with online and F2F events, and Peer Mentoring Groups consisting of 4-6 researchers collaborating for 15 months, with a target of 300 +/- individuals in 50 groups, preparing 50+ proposals based on UN SDGs and focused on impact (WP4). SO5: Create policy and exploitation routes for increasing the scope of doctoral training at local and national levels (WP5). SO6: Communicate and disseminate METEOR activities and results to a wider audience and ensure project’s continuity beyond the funded period (WP6). METEOR activities will benefit doctoral candidates (employment prospects/ earnings), institutions (recruiting PhD candidates, better supervision, more impactful research), industry/public sector (employees with high level research and transversal skills) and society generally (more research focused on challenges). Grant: This project has received funding from Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027) call: HORIZON-CL2-2024-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 under grant agreement No 101178320 — METEOR. Project leader: CASE - CENTRUM ANALIZ SPOLECZNO- EKONOMICZNYCH- FUNDACJA NAUKOWA (CASE) Partners: NORD UNIVERSITET (NU), THE OPEN UNIVERSITY (OU), UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI VERONA, (UNIVR), EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY - CYPRUS LTD (EUC), JYVASKYLAN YLIOPISTO (JYU), KASTAMONU UNIVERSITESI (KU), ILIA STATE UNIVERSITY (ISU), CEEI BURGOS (ES), HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI (HU), ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET (RUC), SYNYO GmbH (SYNYO), State University of Bahia (UNEB, associated partner)
How to eradicate skills poverty among the most vulnerable?
In a context of changing labour market needs due to the green and digital transitions and the still gaping skill divides across society, the European Commission proposes a number of actions ‘to give a fresh impetus to lifelong learning’. This includes ‘Promoting increased, and more effective and inclusive investment in training and upskilling to harness … <a href="">Continued</a>
Mapping of EU Member State Legal Pathways for Labour Migration and Mobility (Phase II)
The Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) is an EU-funded programme that is implemented by ICMPD. The MPF supports the preparation and implementation of partnership initiatives supporting more effective migration management and dialogue by providing targeted, flexible and tailor-made assistance (mostly through grants) to the EU’s priority countries covered by various funding instruments included under the MPF. … <a href="">Continued</a>
Methodologies for Teamworking in Eco-Outwards Research (METEOR)
Katarzyna Sidło
Director of the Middle East and North Africa Department
Dr Katarzyna W. Sidło specializes in the political economy, geo-economics and socioeconomic development of the European Union’s Southern Neighbourhood as well as EU-Mediterranean relations. She has a proven track record working on studies, evaluations and impact assessments commissioned by various international donors such as the European Parliament, the European Commission and its various departments and agencies, … <a href="">Continued</a>
Projects from this author:
How the EU should prepare for the enlargement in terms of governance, policies and investments: options and choices made from a territorial perspective
In its 2023 enlargement package, the European Commission recommended that the Council open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. Moreover, it recommended that the Council grant Georgia the status of candidate country and open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria has been achieved. The … <a href="">Continued</a>
Prospects of reinvigorating the Middle East Peace Process: a possible joint EU-US undertaking
This study aimed to assess the prospects of, and underlying conditions for, a joint diplomatic EU-US initiative to support the Middle East Peace Process, and ultimately a viable, sustainable and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, in line with applicable international law. The paper prepared by CASE and IMED experts evaluates the possibility of … <a href="">Continued</a>
Developing a handbook on good practice in countering disinformation at local and regional level
Project description: Having in mind the established frameworks at European level, it is necessary to ensure that the available tools are utilised at all levels and by all relevant actors that could contribute to the joint aim of empowering citizens in their resilience to disinformation. While it is beneficial to adopt broad strategies, these should … <a href="">Continued</a>
How the EU should prepare for the enlargement in terms of governance, policies and investments: options and choices made from a territorial perspective
Projects from this author:
Research on the risks, needs, and opportunities for empowerment of migrant and refugee domestic workers in Poland
The project’s main objective is to identify the needs, risks, and opportunities for empowering refugee and migrant domestic workers in Poland. To achieve this, three interrelated research objectives were identified according to the ToR. The first relates to the existing state of affairs – understanding the needs and risks specific to the situation of migrant … <a href="">Continued</a>
TRADE4SD Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development
Trade is a central factor in shaping global, regional and local development. Increased trade, empowered by the growth of Global Value Chains (GVCs), has boosted productivity and incomes in many countries. However, if not fairly regulated, trade might generate increases in inequality and negative impacts on working conditions in developing countries, and compromise the environment. … <a href="">Continued</a>
Research on the risks, needs, and opportunities for empowerment of migrant and refugee domestic workers in Poland