Project name: My chance in Poland
The grant is implemented under the project “Chance – new opportunities for adults”, within Priority Axis IV. Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.1 Social innovations of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014-2020 co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
Objectives of the project:
As part of the project “My Chance in Poland”, an innovative support model for foreign nationals with basic skills will be developed and tested. The aim of the model will be to improve skills in understanding and creating information, mathematical reasoning, digital skills and social competences.
Foreign nationals are an increasingly large group on the labour market in Poland. At the same time, activities aimed at improving their skills are not undertaken in a systemic and innovative way. The innovativeness of the model will consist in the comprehensive support of this group through a combination of training and mentoring as well as the selection of innovative training methods.
Main activities and products:
The testing of the support model will cover a total of 80 foreign nationals with the right to legal employment in Poland. These will be people over 25 years old from Warsaw and the surrounding area, who have basic skills in the areas of understanding and creating information, mathematical reasoning, digital skills and social competences.
The model will offer support at three levels: educational, advisory and psychological. The educational support, which will benefit all participants, will take the form of theoretical and practical training. Their aim will be to raise the level of skills of the participants. This process will be strengthened by counselling and psychological support. Each participant will be supported by a tutor or supervisor whose task will be to work on the motivation of the participant. Their relationship will draw on mentoring practice and will include coaching, development assistance and guidance. The psychological support will benefit those participants who wish so. Due to difficult experiences in the country of origin, adaptation stress or other factors, some people may have learning difficulties and psychological support is intended to help alleviate them. It will be offered in two forms – individual meetings with a psychologist and support groups.
The project will develop operational tools to support trainers in the implementation of theoretical and practical training: training scenarios and packages for trainers. Moreover, training packages for participants in three language versions – Polish, English and Russian – will be developed. The model will be described in detail, and after testing it, recommendations will be developed. The long-term benefit of testing the model will be the improvement of skills of the participants, which will translate into support for local social and economic development of Warsaw and its surroundings. The testing will also allow to assess the effectiveness of support triangulation and applied methods and techniques. The results of this assessment can be taken into account in possible future programmes implemented by government institutions and social partners.
Project leader: CASE – Centre for Social and Economic Research
Partners: Fundacja dla Somalii, Fundacja Ocalenie
Project value: 1 200 624,60 złotych
EU grant value: 1 132 068,94 złotych