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Methodologies for Teamworking in Eco-Outwards Research (METEOR)
1 Dec 2024 - ongoing
Jan Bazyli Klakla
Dr. Jan Bazyli Klakla holds doctorates in law and sociology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he also completed studies in law, sociology, and cultural studies, alongside postgraduate studies in international migration at the University of Warsaw. He is currently a Director of Migration, Social Policy, and Development Cooperation at CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research in Warsaw, and a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Legal Education and Social Theory at the University of Wrocław. Dr. Klakla has been involved in and has led numerous national and European research projects, including those funded by Horizon Europe, Norway Grants, and Polish National Science Center. His work also includes providing consulting and expert services to key European institutions such as the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, and CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training). He has served as an expert in the “Safe Krakow - Security Strategy for Krakow” program. Dr. Klakla is the editor of Law and Culture. Reconceptualization and Case Studies (Springer Nature, 2021) and the author of Law and Acculturation. Conceptualisation and Empirical Case Study: Slavic Migrants in Poland (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) and Studying in Times of Crisis. Acculturation and Adaptation of Ukrainian Students at Kraków Higher Education Institutions amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic and Russia's Aggression against Ukraine (Brill, 2025). In recognition of his scholarly contributions, he was awarded first prize in the competition of the Association of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) – Polish Section for the best doctoral dissertation in the theory and philosophy of law. His research interests span migration, sociology of law, educational research, public policy analysis, customary law, and the methodology of social sciences.
Projects from this author:
Mapping of EU Member State Legal Pathways for Labour Migration and Mobility (Phase II)
The Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) is an EU-funded programme that is implemented by ICMPD. The MPF supports the preparation and implementation of partnership initiatives supporting more effective migration management and dialogue by providing targeted, flexible and tailor-made assistance (mostly through grants) to the EU’s priority countries covered by various funding instruments included under the MPF. … <a href="">Continued</a>
Research on the risks, needs, and opportunities for empowerment of migrant and refugee domestic workers in Poland
The project’s main objective is to identify the needs, risks, and opportunities for empowering refugee and migrant domestic workers in Poland. To achieve this, three interrelated research objectives were identified according to the ToR. The first relates to the existing state of affairs – understanding the needs and risks specific to the situation of migrant … <a href="">Continued</a>
Project description: Relying on five specific bioeconomy themes – interconnectedness, outdoor learning, forestry, life below water and food loop – the BioBeo project aims at developing an educational programme in order to foster understanding and involvement across society regarding ‘circularity’, bioeconomy and green practices. The project will firstly concerned 35 schools (preschool, primary and secondary … <a href="">Continued</a>
Mapping of EU Member State Legal Pathways for Labour Migration and Mobility (Phase II)
Martyna Gliniecka
Specialist in Social Sciences
Martyna Gliniecka holds a PhD in Linguistics, specialising in cross-cultural communication, from the University of Wroclaw. She is awaiting the finalisation of her second PhD in the Culture and Society field from Western Sydney University, Australia. She previously led and participated in research projects in the Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University, aiming to better young people’s lives and their resilience in the domains of technology and health. She specialises in qualitative research methods, participatory methodologies, and digital research (e.g., digital ethnography). She is especially interested in online communities and their role in the growing domain of youth digital health.
Projects from this author:
- Updating the CoR material on the Division of Powers
Rural areas and the geography of discontent
EU skepticism, anti-EU votes in EP, and national elections have increased over the past 10 years, mainly driven by a combination of long-term economic and industrial decline, low levels of education, and lack of local employment opportunities. Rural areas are often characterised by a combination of these factors. The goal of the project commissioned … <a href="">Continued</a>
Project description: Relying on five specific bioeconomy themes – interconnectedness, outdoor learning, forestry, life below water and food loop – the BioBeo project aims at developing an educational programme in order to foster understanding and involvement across society regarding ‘circularity’, bioeconomy and green practices. The project will firstly concerned 35 schools (preschool, primary and secondary … <a href="">Continued</a>
Izabela Marcinkowska
Labor market, social policy, and employment director
Dr. Marcinkowska’s areas of expertise include the labor market, social policy, and employment. As President of the Management Board, Dr. Marcinkowska is responsible for managing all research and projects in the areas of demography, labor, and social policy, overseeing CASE’s financial administration, and spearheading new business development activities. Dr. Marcinkowska has been cooperating with CASE … <a href="">Continued</a>
Projects from this author:
Tourism and Rural Development
The study commissioned to CASE by the Committee of the Regions and entitled “Tourism and Rural Development” is to provide a brief analysis of the main barriers and enablers to tourism as part of rural development in the European Union from the perspective of subnational governments. The study also will pay attention to identify supporting … <a href="">Continued</a>
How to eradicate skills poverty among the most vulnerable?
In a context of changing labour market needs due to the green and digital transitions and the still gaping skill divides across society, the European Commission proposes a number of actions ‘to give a fresh impetus to lifelong learning’. This includes ‘Promoting increased, and more effective and inclusive investment in training and upskilling to harness … <a href="">Continued</a>
Mapping of EU Member State Legal Pathways for Labour Migration and Mobility (Phase II)
The Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) is an EU-funded programme that is implemented by ICMPD. The MPF supports the preparation and implementation of partnership initiatives supporting more effective migration management and dialogue by providing targeted, flexible and tailor-made assistance (mostly through grants) to the EU’s priority countries covered by various funding instruments included under the MPF. … <a href="">Continued</a>
Tourism and Rural Development