Dr Grzegorz Poniatowski, Vice-president and Director of Fiscal Policy Studies at CASE is participating in Europe and Central Asia Regional Conference: Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in Ankara, Turkey. The two-day (June 11-12) event is organized jointly by the World Bank, the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFiD), the European Commission, SIGMA – Support for Improvement in Governance and Management – a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union, UN Women, and Asian Development Bank.
Dr Poniatowski is participating in a thematic session on managing public resources during which he is discussing reforms and challenges in closing tax gaps in Poland.
„In the years 2016-2018 we’ve noted in Poland an increase in VAT collections of ca. 28%, and in CIT collections of 31 %. The reason for this is both an increase in compliance and positive economic tailwinds.
What is also interesting, at the same time, we noted a decrease in the number of audits by one third (29,560 in 2015 and 18,492 in 2017), which is another signal of increased efficiency of tax enforcement,” says Dr. Poniatowski, who since year 2016 has been heading the team that produces the reports on the VAT GAP in EU countries for the European Commission.
The conference brings together senior government officials, international development partners, private sector representatives, civil society organizations, and academia from over 40 countries to discuss how to further facilitate governance reforms in the ECA region.