21 Dec 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 124: Gender Equality in the European Union: a Differentiated Integration?

Editorial With this edition of showCASE we are ending a journey that began over five years ago, on 07 October 2016, when the very first issue was published. Throughout the years, the bulletin evolved in its shape and form, switching from being a w...

29 Nov 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 123: COP26: A Decade to Deliver?

Editorial In this issue of showCASE we are taking a look at the outcomes of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) that took place earlier this month in Glasgow. According to CASE economist Karolina Zubel and CASE intern Giuseppe Scullari, des...

27 Oct 2021 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity Northern Ireland maintains free movement of goods with the EU after Brexit. This arrangement is in line with th...

25 Oct 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 122: The Conference on the Future of Europe: a Long-awaited Democratic Experiment or...

Editorial In this issue of showCASE we are taking a look at the progress of the Conference on the Future of Europe, a long-awaited exercise in deli...

28 Sep 2021 | NEWS

CASE Highlights

Trade, Innovation, and Productivity The recently published European Commission annual report on the monitoring of the EU agri-food trade shows rela...

27 Sep 2021 | NEWS

showCASE No. 121: Increasing Importance of Think Tanks: Not If But Why

Editorial In this special issue, the editors of showCASE Katarzyna Sidło and Kateryna Karunska take a closer look at the role of think-tanks in the...

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Online CASE CPI 99.90

January 1, 1970

Online CASE CPI index is an innovative measurement of price dynamics in the Polish economy, which is entirely based on online data. Online CASE CPI is constructed by averaging prices of commodities from last four weeks and comparing them to average prices of the same commodities from four weeks prior. The index is updated weekly.

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Corporate Membership Program

CASE invites businesses to join its Corporate Membership Program and help support an independent Polish think tank. The benefits of the program for businesses include: Undertaking common scientific projects; Exchanging knowledge and benefiting from CASE s vast experience; Engaging businesses in public debates on crucial matters of economic policy; Creating networking opportunities between gover...