01 Sep 2004 - 01 Oct 2005
CIS, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, economic reforms, Europe, Post-communist transition and development issues, Research

GDN Understanding Reform - Regional Synthesis


The project was prepared by Piotr Kozarzewski and Rick Woodward  and based on the country studies of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS (excluding southeastern Europe) contributed to the GDN Understanding Reform Global Research Project. The general task was to compare and analyze the reasons for reform in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan during the 1980s and 1990s and the success and failure of the specific countries' attempts at reform.

Georgraphical range:

Czech Republic

Sponsor: Global Development Network


Kozarzewski P., Woodward R., Eastern and Central Europe and CIS: Regional Synthesis [in:] Fanelli J.M., Macmahon G. (eds.), Understanding Market Reforms. Volume 2: Motivation, Implementation and Sustainability, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., October 2006.

More information about the book can be found at the Palgrave Macmillan site: http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=271067