CASE, Europe, European integration, Trade, economic integration and globalization

Exploring the Future of European Integration

Last weekend for the seventh time CASE International Conference took place. 32 high-level experts from the European Commission, the World Bank, Professors and Consultants from around the world debated over Europe’s possible ways out of the debt trap, new forms of regulations of financial markets and future growth strategies. The one and a half day event included CASE 20th Anniversary reception, heated discussions and a keynote address of Anders Aslund.

The panelist’s presentations are available on CASE Conference website and pictures of the Conference in the Conference Gallery

If you missed the event, soon videos of the five sessions will be available on CASE website.

Publications available on CASE Conference website from:

Anders Aslund Chairman of CASE Advisory Council and Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute of International Economics “The Failed Political  Economy of the Euro Crisis” and

Veronika Movchan from the German Advisory Group Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting “Quantitative Assessment of Ukraine’s Regional Integration Options: DCFTA with European Union vs. Customs Union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan”

Kaspar Richter presented the EU10 Regular Economic Report November 2011, available on the World Bank Website.