01 Oct 2015 - 01 Mar 2016
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, Europe, Infrastructure, energy and climate change, Research

Analysis of energy prices and costs in the EU, its Member States and major trading partners

Focus / Scope of tasks

The study will update and extend the analysis on energy prices and costs in the EU and major trading partners by assessing the recent evolution, composition and drivers of energy prices and costs for households and industries in the context of competitiveness, affordability and their role as market signals for investment needs and market scarcity.

Specific objectives of the study

(1) assess the evolution, composition and drivers of electricity, natural gas and petroleum product prices at wholesale and retail levels in the Member States of the EU and in major EU trading partners;

(2) analyse energy costs as one of the components in production costs of manufacturing industries in the Member States of the EU and in major EU trading partners, and their impact on industrial competitiveness;

(3) examine the evolution of energy expenditure in household budgets in the Member States of the EU


Our approach is tailored to meet this interesting and challenging objectives. Basically, data will be gathered and centralised in a database. This data will be used to conduct the econometric analyses in order understand the evolution, composition and divers of energy prices, and the impact of those prices on industrial competitiveness and households. In addition to a report, these results from these analyses will be presented in a user-friendly database, in which variables such as country, energy carrier and sectors can be chosen freely.

Involvement of CASE

CASE takes over the data collection in 15 EU countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Client: DG Energy

Project leader: Ecofys

Partners: Fraunhofer ISI